• Graduated Bolshoi Ballet academy (Tatiana Galtseva)
  • Was trained at Maurice Bejart ballet company with Sulamith Messerer ( Lausanne, Switzerland )
  • 1998-2010 ballerina at Bolshoi Ballet.Teacher: Mikhail Lavrovsky , Luidmila Semeniaka , Yury Vladimirov , Valery Lagunov, Vladimir Nikonov.
  • 2003 Graduated Russian Institute of Theatre Arts - GITIS ( Master Nina Semizorova ) Bachelor of Ballet Pedagogy and Choreography
  • 2005 Postgraduate Education: Master of Dance and Art ( Russian Academy of Theater Arts - GITIS )
  • 2008 second degree: Master of Public Administration ( Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
  • 2009 Moved to US
  • Founder and creative director of Ballet Support Foundation
  • Ballet teacher
  • Choreographer
  • Actress
  • Producer
  • Judge at WBAC Grand Prix
  • 2018 U. S Master of science in Dance and incomplete PhD in Dance and Art History.


  • Nutcracker (Columbine Doll, Tea) Choreography: Yuriy Grigorovich
  • Anuta (Girl) Choreography: V. Vasiliev
  • Romeo and Juliet (Rosalinda)
  • Sinderella (Sister) choreography Yuriy Possokhov
  • Nijinsky (Romola) choreography Mikhail Lavrovsky
  • Edith Piaf (Edith Piaf) Choreography Mikhail Lavrovsky
  • Giselle (Giselle) Choreography Jules Perrot and Jean Coralli
  • Don Quixote (Kitri) choreography Marius Petipa
  • La Bayadere (Dance Manu) Choreography Marius Petipa
  • Golden Age by Yury Grigorovich

Pas de deux

  • Esmeralda
  • Flame of Paris
  • La fille mal gardee
  • The Fairy Doll

Contemporary repertoire

  • Radu Poklitaru: Luli, Wedding, Exercise, Jamaica.
    Marlene Dietrich
  • Film Ballet: Edith Piaf, Nijinsky. Choreographer: Mikhail Lavrovsky




Education process - photos

teaching 1 teaching 2 teaching 3 teaching 4 teaching 5 teaching 6

Education process - videos